Ame no Ato Gaiden 4 ~Boku ga Kimi no Subete~ [R18][English Translation]


Today, I bring you the translation for the drama CD by the label Snow Drops called: “Ame no Ato Gaiden ~Boku ga Kimi no Subete~” (Traces of Rain, Spin-off Series: I Am Your Everything). This one I found while searching for yandere-themed stories. I hesitated a bit because it wasn’t so cheap, and I wasn’t acquainted with the voice actor (Souji Sarutobi). But the title, summary, and scenario voice sample were really alluring, so I took a leap of faith and bought it. It was worth every cent to me, and I have nothing but praise for this CD.

Next, I'll give a brief introduction.

Storyline: The heroine wakes up in an unknown room. There stands a man who claims to be her husband (Ise), but she only remembers him as a regular customer at the bookstore where she works as a clerk. In response to her bewilderment, he admits he might have rushed up things a bit between them, but it was necessary to protect her from the monsters…

Doesn't that setting make you curious to find out what the hell is going on!? What monsters is that looney talking about!?

Although this drama CD is fairly smutty (there are four bed scenes throughout the scenario, all different from each other, so it doesn’t get repetitive) I would definitely say it's story-driven. The story unfolds at quite a slow pace; however, it manages to maintain your attention from beginning to end, never dragging. Ise’s character is so rich that he can fascinate the listener from the start. The heroine is also quite good. One can really connect with her. And personally, her reaction to Ise’s words when she told him about her childhood left a big impression on me.

Ise is the kind of yandere who's absolutely obsessed/in love with the heroine and treats her right—within his warped perspective. I think he's an easy-to-like yandere.

The running time is about 76 minutes, split up into 6 tracks. It’s praiseworthy how it manages to tell such a solid story while depicting several sex scenes in barely more than an hour.

It can be acquired through many stores; nevertheless, DLsite it’s a great option if you don't want to worry about outrageous shipping fees (since it's a digital version) and you can even use discount coupons to buy it. The big two cons would be that it’s not available for download but streaming only and that it comes with no extras. The Stellaworth version does come with an extra track. Nothing relevant to the story, though, just a steamy punishment for the heroine for fondly reminiscing about her friends in college.

Here is the link to acquire it (DLsite):

🌸雨の痕外伝4 僕がキミのすべて🌸

🚩🚩🚩 Caution (major SPOILERS scratched out)

Coercion. Captivity.        Murder     .


Traces of Rain Spin-off Series: I Am Your Everything


Takanari Ise (CV: Souji Sarutobi)


Track 01 - Unknown room

You're awake? Ah, please don't get up. How are you feeling? You're at my place. You fainted, so I brought you here. Hm? You don't remember why you fainted? I see... I see. Huh? You forgot about me, how mean. Ah, maybe your memories are mixed up because you blacked out? My name is Ise Takanari, and I'm your husband. You don't remember me? Do you remember who you are? That's right. You study at a college nearby and live alone. Today... That's right. You suddenly fainted after you left your part-time job at the bookstore. I'm glad you haven't forgotten everything. You've finally remembered me? Indeed. We met in the bookstore as a store clerk and customer. Thus, we fell in love and got engaged. Ahaha, it's true. We only talked once, but that is of little importance. We need no words to convey our feelings. It's the only infallible truth. [02:19] At last, we can live under the same roof, dear wife. Ah, if you struggle, the rope will cut the skin of your wrists and leave a scar on your fair skin. I need to tie you, or else I might lose you. You meanie, don't look so angry. I'm sorry for doing this before hearing your answer. I wanted us to live together as soon as possible. I need you to stay by my side to prevent the monsters from taking you away. *kiss* My kiss surprised you? *kiss* You're very shy. *kiss* You're trembling. *kiss* How cute. *kiss* Everything will be alright. I'll do my best. *licks* Now you're crying. *licks* Calm down. Mmh... I've practiced a lot with you in mind. I'm sure I can do it right. *slurps* *pants*

[05:19] Haa, your breasts are beautiful, more than I've ever imagined. They're so soft. They're also tender and warm. Ah, it makes sense; real breasts are warm. Huh? You flinched? It's true nipples are sensitive then. *licks* Tell me, does it feel good? I won't know unless you tell me. *licks* Can I take your silence as a yes? *sucks* If I focus on just one breast, the other one will feel neglected. *licks* The nipple on this side is also pretty. *licks* I want to taste you all. To leave no place unexplored by my tongue. I'll lick every inch of your body. *sucks* Can I touch you down between your legs? Aah, huh? You're not lubricated yet. Are you nervous? I'm the same. I mean, I will finally be able to make love to my beloved. *licks* I'm going to loosen you up thoroughly, *licks* so it won't hurt. *slurps* [09:06] Say, it feels good when I touch here. Doesn't it? Looks like I made the right call by rubbing the hard section. *licks* You're finally getting wet. Aahh, I'm so happy. *licks* You're enjoying the touch of my hand. *slurp* My fingers are sliding in and out with ease now. Maybe I can put it in now. What do you think? *licks* *zipper* *gasps* Be careful, you're going to fall off the bed. *gasps* Don't struggle. I'm having a hard time here. *gasps* Ah, ouch. Hey? I don't understand. You accepted and loved me back when we hadn't talked or had any physical contact yet. Why, now that we're face to face, are you resisting? No, that's not right. You're not resisting. I mean, there's no reason for you to reject me. *gasps* Uuuh... You're tight. You weren't wet enough? Ah... I can't slide it all in. Mghh... [12:25] Is this a sign that you are fighting back? It can't be. Right? Mmgh... It's all in. Ahaha. My member is inside you. Yes, I was imagining things. Can you feel me inside you? Does it hurt? Fu, fufufu. This is your first time. I never meant to distrust you, but I was a little worried. I didn't want you to know other men before me. Mmh... ah... *gasps* I'm inside you. It feels good. *gasps* Being inside my beloved feels fantastic. *gasps* Oh, I'm sorry. You're in pain. I'm sorry for being the only one in pleasure. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. *gasps* Sorry. I don't want to hurt you. *gasps* I love you from the bottom of my heart. *gasps* You're still tight. It's only natural it hurts. *licks* [15:08] I can move a little easier now. *licks* *slurp* *gasps* I'm cumming. I want to stay inside you. *gasps* Aaah. I came inside. But it's okay, you're my wife. You're glad I ejaculated inside, right? I will treasure you and make you the happiest woman in the world, my love. I will devotedly protect you. No one will lay a finger on you.


Track 02 – His Love

*shortness of breath*

You've got my penis in your mouth. Amazing. What a view. Ha... Swallow deeper. Use your throat. Ahahaha. You're having a hard time, don't you? Hold on a little longer. The expression on your face is beautiful. I want to keep contemplating it. *gasps* Look at me; look at me closely. Ah, are you crying? Does it make you so happy to blow me? Ha... Ah... Mhmm... You can let go now. After all, I do prefer to cum inside you. *gasps* [02:11] You're more lubricated than yesterday. *gasps* It means you're enjoying it. *gasps* I'm glad. *gasps* It would be even better if you let me hear your voice. It's a shame you keep your lips sealed. *gasps* You really are shy.  Ha... Mhmm... Relax your lips. Otherwise, it's hard for me to lick your tongue. *licks* I told you I'd lick every inch of your body. *lick* The tip of your tongue, *licks* the inside of your cheeks. All the way to the deepest part of your mouth. *licks* Haa... I'm yet to lick behind your ears. *licks* Ah, you just moaned. You like it? *slurp* Your moans have such a sweet ring to them. *licks* [04:40] How lovely. Listening to your beautiful moans fills me with pleasure. *gasps* *licks* I'm feeling amazing. What about you? You're glad to be doing this with me, aren't you? *slurps* *gasps* Mhmm... What's wrong? I'm in too deep? It hurts? Liar, you're enjoying it. Ah... *gasps* I'm cumming. Tell me, where do you want me to cum? [06:13] Haha. Wrong answer. You can't wait to feel the semen that you love inside. *gasps* Come on, say it. *gasps* If you don't say it, I can't finish. *gasps* Hurry up. Say it now. *gasps* Ahaha, I knew it. You want me to cum inside. I'll ejaculate a river. *gasps* Haa... aah... *gasps* I came inside you, as you requested. Are you happy? Mhmm... Ah, you must be hungry. I'll make breakfast. Wait here. *gets dressed* Huh? Go back where? Haha. This is your home now. You say the strangest things. Ah, when you're calmer, I'll show you the mansion. It's quite large. You will find a room that pleases you for sure. We'll make that one our shared bedroom. *kiss* Fufu. You want milk and sugar for your tea, right? I'll go make it now. *creaking* *locked-door sound* *footsteps* *metallic sound* 

*hurried footsteps* *sound of rain* *thump* *impact* 

[09:44] Are you okay? You're startled because you woke up suddenly. Poor thing, you had a nightmare. When I came back, you were asleep, so I waited for you to wake up. That's right, it's the new book that went on sale the day before yesterday. She's the author whose books I always pre-order. It is said that unless you pre-order, you cannot get them. However, it's not because they sold out but because they only stock the pre-ordered quantity. It's preposterous. They are all first editions since there are never reprints. She’s an unpopular author. I was surprised when you said you liked her: although simple, her worldview is sensitive and gentle. I don't get it. Oh, I don't read them because I like them. I don't dislike them, either. But I'm grateful to her for introducing me to you. You were out from work, and you spoke to me "You're the person who placed the pre-order the other day. I like that author, too." And from then on, every time I went to the bookstore, you would smile at me. Little by little, we began to understand each other. Without noticing, we were already a couple. When I realized our love was mutual, I vowed to protect you. To never cause you to grieve. Ah, you're crying again. What's wrong? Are you hungry? [12:04] Eat your soup and scrambled eggs while still warm. *cutlery* Okay, open your mouth. Don't be stubborn, pretending you don't want to eat. When you're done, I'll bathe you. I've prepared a change of clothes for you. If you want to take a bath, don't refuse. I want you to stay always pure. Ah, what's the matter? Does it hurt somewhere? Your wrists? Ah. *sound of rubbing fabric* You're bleeding. It looks like I tightened the rope too much. I'll apply you an ointment while you are in the tub. Hold on a little bit.

*hair-dryer* You're all neat. Your hair is silky. Ah, you noticed. That's right, I bought a fine shampoo for you. The soap and all the bathroom accessories are high-quality as well. The dress you're wearing is also top-notch. I want you to be surrounded by the highest-quality things. I'm glad you like them. Yes, I've only got money to spare. Let's take this opportunity to explore the mansion.

[14:47] A room. The study. And the dining room. There are only bedrooms on the first floor, except one turned into a living room. Ah, this door leads to the backyard, but the grass is overgrown. It's best not to go out. Uh? No one else lives here besides me. You noticed? That's right. This is the huge Western-style house behind the building where you live. Due to its neglected condition, people have taken it for an abandoned haunted house. My grandfather was a diplomat and a landlord. The entire neighborhood, including your building, belongs to me. My grandparents died more than three years ago. I never met my parents. I've never seen their faces. Why do you make that face? Do you feel sorry for me? Fufu. Even so, my situation is better than yours. I know everything. I've conducted detailed research about my wife-to-be. You grew up in an orphanage. Your good grades in high school made you a candidate for a scholarship, and last year entered college. Your only hobby is reading until late while drinking cup after cup of tea, with lots of milk and sugar, in the neighborhood cafeteria. You work to pay your living expenses. You are a student who works to support herself and lives a modest life in a small apartment. But don't worry, you won't have to go through any difficulties with me anymore. I'll cover all your needs and more. From now on I will be your only family. [17:15] Huh? Of course, I didn't peruse your mailbox. I would never do anything like that. Did someone peruse your mailbox? It must have been a prank. Don't ponder too much about it. Silent calls? That wasn't me, either. After all, we don't need words to communicate. What would be the point of calling you on the phone? Maybe someone had the wrong number. Uh? I'm sorry, the person who was tailing after you might be me. Hehe. I was worried whether you'd arrive safely at your destination. But that won't be necessary anymore. Now that you live here, we will always be together. Mm, you still insist on going back? It can't be. I won't let you go back. Drop out of university. I'll reach out to them to let them know. If you went to college, you would have to get out of this house, and that I cannot allow under any circumstance. No means no. You're so hard-headed! When I say no, it’s no! Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted you to understand. You can't live in the outside world. You can only live inside these walls, with me by your side. Don't forget that. Ah, it was sunny a moment ago, and now it's raining again. I'll make you a hot drink, go back to your room. 

[20:03] Are you okay? You're pale. Are you afraid of thunder? They reverberate a lot in the corridors. Let's hurry to get back to your room.


Track 03 – Heart of Glass

*crickets crying* *sound of curtains slipping* *door opening and closing*

Uh? Why is the curtain open? Don't tell me you were trying to run away. The window has been sealed. Besides, I've told you many times. You can't live outside of this mansion. Being by my side is your only chance for happiness. You get it, right? *kiss* Today we won't have sex. We'll sleep holding each other only. My head hurts, you see. It's okay. It happens every time I read that author. The frustration of thinking she abandoned me to write such a terrible story makes me nauseous. It gives me a headache so intense that it keeps me from falling asleep. [02:19] And yet, I still want to understand her, to know if she thinks of me, even if vaguely. Therefore, I ended up reading her books, hoping to find some sort of clue in her stories. And each time, I'm torn to pieces. It's an endless loop. That's right. She's my mother, the one who abandoned me. I don't know who my father is; she probably doesn't know it herself. My mother was born into a political environment and possessed a self-indulgent personality. With no sense of responsibility as the only heir, she refused all marriage proposals and ran away from home to fulfill her dream of being a writer. She returned several years after, a newborn in her arms. Although she had fulfilled her dream of becoming a writer, she craved romance. But a child would get in her way, so she left the baby with her elderly parents and disappeared again. My grandparents couldn't love a child of an unknown father; thus, they would treat me with contempt. They behaved amiably before society, like totally different people. However, behind closed doors, they would drill in my ears an ocean of spiteful words towards my mother. Not a kind word or gesture was ever directed at me. Neither on my birthdays, nor when I was accepted to college, nor whenever I got sick, nor on their deathbed. [04:41] Since my mother rejected the inheritance, everything passed into my possession. However, I owned nothing. As soon as people found out about the inheritance, the schoolmates who made my life miserable as well as the relatives I didn't know I had, became suddenly caring and friendly. Meanwhile, they would speak ill of me behind my back. The same happened with the servants. I came to this house to live in solitude and tranquility, to sever myself from their toxicity. I was a living dead. Amidst such darkness, you were the only one who sincerely smiled at me. Someone pure, without ulterior motives. Only you are pristine; that's why I must protect you. That's the end of my story. It’s your turn now. What was your life like at the orphanage? Did you have fun? Or did you have a bad time? Were you bullied? I want to know everything about you, tell me. Mmmm, you lived with 20 other kids. It sounds rowdy, but at least you never felt alone. Did you have many arguments? Is it so easy to reconcile after an argument? I see. It depends on the person. I've never argued with anyone, so I don't know. [06:47] What were your teachers like? They were wonderful parental figures, huh… I'm glad. I'm so glad you didn't have an unhappy life. Huh? Why are you crying? You're happy... Why? Hmm. Up to this day, everyone has assumed you lead a miserable life. Such fools. You didn’t have it easy, that’s for sure, but difficulty does not equal misfortune. On the other hand, some people haven't experienced hardships, yet they are unhappy. I don't know how to react to your gratitude. I haven't done anything special. The headache has worsened; I will sleep. Ah, it's the first time you caress my head. It's funny. Even though the pain was intense, it’s receding now. Your wrists are still reddish. [09:00] Forgive me for not apologizing before. I told you I would treasure you, yet I hurt you. I don't know what to do to make amends. I'm really sorry. Will you forgive me? You are so gentle. Other people warmth was something forever unknown to me. I wish I'd known it sooner.

*crickets crying*

*birds chirping* *door opening*

Good morning. I see you are already awake. What are you going to do with that? A braid, huh? Can I try, too? Ahahaha. Not with my hair but with yours. Teach me how to do it. I divide your hair into three parts. Like this? Your hair is very silky; it's hard to split it. What's next? Let's see, this strand here and this other one there. No. This way. That's not right. It's pretty complex. I'm trying my best, don't laugh at me. I take it back. Laugh more. [11:54] I love your smile; I want to make you smile. Tell me if there's anything you want, and I'll fulfill your every wish. Ahaha. You'd like time to read while drinking tea, huh? What a lovely wish. Very well. The house has a library left behind by my grandfather, and there are also books that I have acquired. In the afternoon, I will make tea for you in the best-lit room. How about having breakfast in the dining room? Okay, I was planning to let you move freely around the mansion anyway. It's not good for your health to stay locked in your room all the time. Oh, don't thank me. I'm the one who lock- It's nothing. Do you want us to go hand in hand? Very well.

*cutlery sounds*

I apologize for my limited repertoire. I'm not very good at cooking. Are you serious? Will you cook for me? Is there any food you don't like? Hehehe. You have no dislikes; how marvelous. What's your favorite food? You know, I've noticed there's a lot I don't know about you. That's why I'd like you to tell me more about yourself. [14:34] Oh. Are you okay? You've stained your blouse. It must be uncomfortable to stay like this, let's go change your clothes.

*wind blows*

What's wrong? Is something worrying you? I explained to you already that it's best not to go out to the garden, remember? Come with me.


Track 04 – HIS Secret 

*gasps* I'm cumming. *gasps* Mhmm... *slurps* Mmhm! *kiss* *thunder* Are you scared of lightning? Last time you also turned pale when you heard the thunder. They bring back memories? About what? Ahaha, you don't know for sure. Let's sleep. The rain will stop eventually. Good girl. Sweet dreams. 

*wind blows* *steps* *door opening*

[02:23] What are you doing? What are you doing in the garden in the middle of a storm? Did you get lost? Aah. Because of the relentless rain, the earth softened, causing the arm to resurface. Apparently, I didn't dig deep enough; I need to bury it again. Poor thing, I wish you hadn't remembered. If only you had stayed the captive of this madman, remembering nothing. I wonder when I came to realize a man was after you. Even though I couldn't tolerate another man being interested in you, I didn't dare to warn you or him. I had no choice but to keep an eye on both of you from a safe distance. Then, on that rainy night, you came home from work as usual, went into your apartment, and that man came in, too. Immediately, among the blasts of lightning, I thought I heard shrieks. By the time I arrived, it was over. *lightning* [04:23] When I entered the apartment, I found the man collapsed on the floor, his head covered in blood; you were on your knees, perplexed. As soon as you saw me, you blacked out. The scene was self-explanatory. I was desperate. I couldn't allow you to become a criminal. I had to protect you. No one else could see what had transpired there. Only I could protect you within this mansion. If I locked you up for life, you'd never get caught. *thunder* Yes, I thought it would be best to become your everything. Fortunately, the shock made you forget about the incident. I thought that if you never remembered, you could be happy with me. I told you so, didn't I? You can't live outside this mansion; you won't ever be happy. I've been full of regret since that day. If only I had done this sooner if I had locked you up, that never would have happened. [6:11] Forgive me for not having the courage to do it. I'm sorry. Huh? What did you just say? You're turning yourself in? Are you serious? If you do, we'll get separated. You can't do that, anything but that! *lightning* Is it because… you hate me? Ahaha. I see, that must be it. You hate me. That's why you want to go away. *sobbing* Don't lie! If not, what are you doing here? Didn't you end up here because you got lost while trying to escape? Hahaha. If something's troubling you, you can look into it during the day, not in the middle of the night! Hahahaha. Stop making excuses! *lightning* Despite everything, I felt guilty because I love to see you working happily in the bookstore, to see you walking up the hill back to your apartment, to see you distracted as you wait for your order in the cafeteria! What I did wasn't wrong, though. They would have taken you away otherwise. I had to catch you. I had to protect you. And the only way was to lock you away inside this mansion. *labored breathing* [08:20] Stick it into that pretty head of yours already! I'm the only one you can rely on; there's no life for you if not by my side. Fall in love with me. If you do that, everything will work fine. We can be happy. Ggh! *labored breathing* Rest your hands firmly on the wall. Raise your hips more. Aah! You're so tight. It hurts. Doesn't it? No wonder. You're completely dry down there. This is your punishment for failing to understand my feelings. *gasps* Aah, you're getting wet as I move. Have you noticed? Your face denotes pleasure, contrary to when you just started living here. *gasps* Aah. [10:20] Are you so lewd that you're happy to fuck with a man you don't love? Don't lie to me! Mmhm. *gasps* You don't love me! *gasps* Shut up! Haa... When I strangle you, your insides strangle me back. It's true. Don't worry, I won't strangle you so hard to kill you. *gasps* Haa, I really wished to go mad. To lose my mind so badly that I could settle with owning your body only, even if your heart is elsewhere. [12:24] Why do I want you to love me so much? I'm well aware that doing this won't make you love me, and yet... *sobs* Despite the situation you're in, you caress my head. You are so gentle. *kiss* It's the first time you've kissed me. *kisses* Forgive me for doing all those terrible things to you. I really love you despite everything I've done. Can we start over again?

Track 05 – Happy Moments Together

Spread your legs a little wider. Don't be shy and do as I say. I want to memorize your whole body with my fingers and tongue. *licks* Your body is restless. *licks* Do you like it better than when I use my fingers? Then I'll lick you more. I'll try sucking on it gently. *slurps* Mhmmh... What's wrong? You arched your back and lost consciousness for a second. It's probably because you came. I finally made you cum. [02:09] I'm going to put it in. Mhm... Ah... what is this? Your insides are adjusting to my shape. It's as if they were squeezing me. So this is what happens when you cum. Ah, *gasps* ah, ha, *gasps* ah, ah, *gasps* Can I carry you? Mhmm... haa... *gasps* Wrap your arms around my back. Hold on tight. Yes, like this, tightly. *kisses* Does it feel good? *kisses* It's the first time you've said you are enjoying it. *slurps* That turns me on even more. *slurps* Ah. *gasps* *licks* I'm cumming. *gasps* *slurps* *gasps* [05:26] I'm cumming. *gasps* I'm cumming. *gasps* I'm cumming. *gasps* Mmmhh... I love you. Huh? What are you saying? No, don't go to the police. I've finally made you love me back. Don't worry, all evidence is gone. They'll never find me. Ah, but I must take care of the situation in the garden. It's unsightly. After burying it deep, it may be a good idea to plant some flowers over it. I'm sure they'll bloom beautifully with the nutrients they'll receive. [07:31] Which reminds me, you said you wanted to read quietly while you had tea, right? When I finish tidying up the garden, we can place a table there to spend happy moments together. Aaah, I can't wait for that to happen. Fufufufu. *wind blows* 


Track 06 – Hidden Track

Playing Takanari Ise, Souji Sarutobi.

How was it? I particularly liked Track 5. It was touching, sexy, and eerie 👌.

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